Monday, April 27, 2015

Eggs of Different Shapes and Sizes

Hi again!

I posted earlier today with a picture of all of the different colors of eggs in my egg basket. Afterwards, I went out and checked for eggs again. This time I got an assortment of shapes and sizes. I have very big "man hands" so this photo doesn't really  do justice in showing the sizes. I got a tiny little one that would classify as a an extra small, and a super big fat roundish one, and a long thin one that would both classify as a jumbo. They are all super yummy! We feed our chickens well, and they are happy girls who give us top class eggs...even if they are shaped odd sometimes. ;)

Have an egg-cellent day!


My Egg Basket

Hi everyone!

One of the many things I love about having backyard chickens is having a beautiful assortment of colored eggs. Crazy I know. Most of you will say "An egg's and egg", but I love taking my basket out and being surprised at the different colors of each day that I get to place in it. It also helps me know who is laying well and who isn't. :)

I have blues from my Ameraucanas, small cream colored ones from my Golden Phoenix, light brown from my Barred Rocks, a pinkish, and a light brown with grey speckles from my barnyard mixes, and a darker brown from my Black Copper Maran mix.
 What color from my basket is your favorite? 

Thanks for dropping by!



Saturday, April 18, 2015

1st Post On My New Chicken Blog That is Still Under Construction :)

Hi Everyone!

I am fairly new at raising backyard chickens, and have been prompted to start blogging about my adventures of being a newbie chicken chick.

I will be working on this blog very soon, and would love it if you friended/followed me so you won't miss new posts as I get rolling. 

In the mean time, here is a rainy day picture of my little black silkie roo Harry.
He's really a beautiful boy when he's not wet. ;)

Click on the photo for a closer look at this sweet (wet) boy. ;)

Thanks for dropping by!

Crazy Chicken Trudy  :)